First published in 2004, "English Public Law" has become the key point of reference on English public law for lawyers in the UK and throughout the world Now in its second edition, the book acts as aаъсафn accessible first point of reference for practitioners approaching a public law issue for the first time, while simultaneously providing a lucid, concise and authoritative overview of all the key areas of public law (constitutional, administrative, human rights, and cбйтлъriminal law) within one single portable volume The second edition has been completely updated to take account of all key legislative and procedural changes since 2004, including: The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 Recent higher courts decisions concerning public law and human rights The Criminal Procedure Rules 2005 Written and edited by a team of acknowledged experts on English law, the book offers proven reliability and as part of the Oxford Principles of English Law Seriesбрхйб, is the companion volume to the second edition of English Private Law edited by Professor Andrew Burrows FBA The book is an ideal quick reference for practitioners to fall back on when a client raises a point outside their normal area of expertise as well as for academics, overseas libraries, and practitioners overseas who want a one stop resource on English public law A supplement published between editions, will ensure that the book is kept up to date Формат: 17,5 см x 25 cм 2 edition.