Estradasphere: Palace Of Mirrors Live Формат: DVD (PAL) (Digipak) Дистрибьютор: Концерн "Группа Союз" Региональный код: 5 Количество слоев: DVD-9 (2 слоя) Звуковые дорожки: Английский Dolby инфо 11809n.

От издателя Estradasphere's current album, "Palace Of Mirrors", showcases cinematic music and production that connotes a narrative that cuts across time, space, and genre (jazz, classical and metal)аъсфе Their five show is an extension of the surreal sci-fi storyline alluded to in the music Palace Set: Palace Of Mirrors The Return The Debutante A Corporate Merger The Terrible Beautypower Of Meow Colossal Risk The Unfolding Pause On The Threshold Smuggled Muбйтцсtation Those Who Know Flower Garden Of An Evil Man Unicorns & Rainbows Palace Of Mirrors (Reprise) Актер "Estradasphere" (Исполнитель).