Teach Yourself makes learning Panjabi easy The languages spoken by the people in the India and Pakistan region are plentiful and diverse, just like their speakers Here Teach Yourself gives you the opportunitаъсцмy to learn one of these major southeastern Asian languages Teach Yourself Panjabi Complete Course allows you to study in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace It introduces you to practical themes, such as making travel arrangements, meeting someone new, shoбйтчяpping, and other every day activities Includes two audio CDs with listening and speaking exercises Формат книги: 13 см x 19,5 см Размер коробки: 16 см x 24 см 3 edition Прилагаемые к изданию диски (CD) не имеют специальной фабричной упаковки и вложены внутрь коробки Иллюстрация Авторы Сурджит Калрам Surjit Kalram Навтедж Каур Пуревал Navtej Kaur Purewal Су Тайсон-Ворд Sue Tyson-Ward.